Just FB integration test :-)

Just FB integration test :-)

We were trying some tweaks with the plugin which seemed not working properly. Nothing except the one of the pics is here. 🙂

Lets have the pink dress and beer in the harbor

Lets have the pink dress and beer in the harbor

It’s finally here, there are open beer gardens in the Czech Republic and we can have a beer. We choose summer clothes, I ignore Vlasta’s remarks that 14 degrees is not enough for a beer outside, that it’s cold. In the end, my enthusiasm wins, we add pantyhose and we are standing in front of […]

Unexpected shift – I’m invisible!!!

Unexpected shift – I’m invisible!!!

When I’ve met Vlasta I noticed that women’s dresses on him cause a stir everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. People were staring at us, taking photos, commenting. And than I suddenly realized: I’m invisible!!! 😀 It was a whole new feeling. As a girls we’re used to attention. From an early age, the surroundings evaluate us […]

Cycling & Beer by the river

Cycling & Beer by the river

We fine-tuned our outfits in the morning, so it didn’t look like one was going to the theater and the other for a picnic. The length of the skirts is also important. Finally, Vlasta found a use for his fishnet tights, which I usually smirk at. They look beautiful with a long pleated skirt. Pumps […]