Just FB integration test :-)

Just FB integration test :-)

We were trying some tweaks with the plugin which seemed not working properly. Nothing except the one of the pics is here. 🙂

Unexpected shift – I’m invisible!!!

Unexpected shift – I’m invisible!!!

When I’ve met Vlasta I noticed that women’s dresses on him cause a stir everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. People were staring at us, taking photos, commenting. And than I suddenly realized: I’m invisible!!! 😀 It was a whole new feeling. As a girls we’re used to attention. From an early age, the surroundings evaluate us […]

Cycling & Beer by the river

Cycling & Beer by the river

We fine-tuned our outfits in the morning, so it didn’t look like one was going to the theater and the other for a picnic. The length of the skirts is also important. Finally, Vlasta found a use for his fishnet tights, which I usually smirk at. They look beautiful with a long pleated skirt. Pumps […]