It’s finally here, there are open beer gardens in the Czech Republic and we can have a beer. We choose summer clothes, I ignore Vlasta’s remarks that 14 degrees is not enough for a beer outside, that it’s cold. In the end, my enthusiasm wins, we add pantyhose and we are standing in front of the house and it is… COLD. We’re taking the car, so what, a non-alcoholic beer is fine too. A little blueish, but determined. In the half-empty garden we look exotic, not only because of Vlasta’s dress, but because the people around us have winter jackets… 😀

I capitulate soon. I order mulled wine for me, Vlasta quickly “kicks in” a non-alcoholic beer and we disappear in the car where we get warm. In the end, it’s good at home on Friday too, and we’ve been to the garden before. Hopefully it’s going to be warmer tomorrow, because we would like to go sailing.